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Magda Mihaila is a comedian based in France, but does not believe in borders. She started doing stand up in her home country, Romania, until she thought more people needed to see the world in the same twisted way as her. Now she does stand up each time she travels to a new place just to see if "hahaha" sounds the same in every language.

Seinfeld saw her on The Tonight Show telling one of his jokes to a bunch of cows and called her “the future of comedy”. The cows and Jimmy Fallon agreed.
She can make people laugh in English, French, Spanish and Romanian and if that doesn't work she might tickle you.

Magda Mihaila at The Tonight Show with Seinfeld and Jimmy Fallon

Why women won't go to war?

I try to answer this question that has been raised very often since the latest events in Europe.

I scared a guy in Berlin

Trying to pick me up on the street is a risky business. Watch and learn! 

Upcoming shows


If you want to book me for a show drop a mail at magdulici at gmail dot com

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